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Waltz In The Clinic, A (Yaoi GN)

Product ID: #9781569703250

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Touno, a medical intern, was just rejected by his colleague, Misawa, a physician. Keeping his distance from the department of internal medicine where mIsawa works, Touno spends most of his time in pediatrics when hew as ordered to be the doctor in charge of the hospital director's son, who has currently been admitted for a bone fracture, however the director' s son, Ichii, seems to be a sexy medical student!

A Waltz in the Clinic swings and sways in time to the seductive rhythm of surprise romance! Can a patient’s dark secret be the key to healing the deepest of wounds? And will temptation take root and become real-life love?

Author/Artist: Makoto Tateno
ISBN-13: 9781569703250
ISBN-10: 1569703256
Imprint: June

Format: Softcover, Black & White
Genre: Yaoi, Drama, Romance, Medical

English text

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