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Not Enough Time (Yaoi GN)
Customer Reviews * * * * * 1 review
* * * * *   December 27, 2013
Reviewer: Sue, escapist manga reader

I love this yaoi. The stories focus on relatively complex characters and their internal conflicts about love. The story about Sensei Tanigawa is just one of the stories. The volume also contains a high school affair, a romance between work colleagues and a detective-prosecutor pairing. The art's great and captures the expressions of the characters as they range from tenderness to stubbornness to disappointment. The stories about Tanigawa and the story about the detective are particularly successful at building tension between the main characters. These are romantic and sexy stories, without being as graphic as some yaoi. I hope to read more of Hidaka-Sensei's work!

Not Enough Time (Yaoi GN)

Product ID: #9781569708170

$5.00 (Save 61%)

Shoko Hidaka's breakthrough comic is a collection of eye-opening love stories. Yousuke suddenly shows up on the door step of his old high school buddy Tanigawa after years of no contact. While the two had a budding relationship back in school, things fell apart and they decided to part ways and search for their true love. However, it might be that their relationship in the golden days of high school was what they have been looking for all along.

Original Japanese Title: Tarinai Jikan

Author/Artist: Shoko Hidaka
Manufacturer: Digital Manga Publishing
ISBN: 1569708177
ISBN-13: 9781569708170
200 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 8.25
Age 16+
Release Date: July, 2007

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