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Gundam: WildRiver's G-WORLD - Environment Collection
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Gundam: WildRiver's G-WORLD - Environment Collection

Product ID: #9784499230537

$63.25 (Save 16%)

This book shows you details of each scenes of Gundam world. All details are exposed in this book! It includes the interviews with the creator Naoto Arakawa as well as behind the story. If you are a mecha fan or are curious about how the each scenes are made, come together, this book is for you!

Format: Softcover, 8-1/4” x 11-3/4”
ISBN: 9784499230537
Publisher: © Dainippon Kaiga, 05/2011

112 pages, most of color
Japanese text

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Author: Saki Aida, Yuh Takashina (英田サキ, 高階佑)
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (徳間書店)


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