Randy calls John's house and tells John (who had arrived there by that time) what happened. Jeff and Mark eventually both head back out to find us again.
I knew I was gonna kick Jeff's ass now, and not just for this. You see, a few weeks before, Mike and I headed out to Ohio to stay at Jeff's house for a few days. Before we left, we visited an anime shop that had a Master Grade Nu Gundam I had my eye on. I didn't buy it then, although I should have. Before I left to go back home I gave Jeff $60 to buy and mail the Nu Gundam to me. He definitely bought it, that I know. When I asked him if he mailed it, he said yes. Oh really? Funny how he was able to do that when I never told him where to mail it. So after bothering Jeff for a few weeks about it, I knew he was going to hand it to me at Otakon. Yeah right, not before I slap him silly with a trout first.
Another half hour passes. We see Jeff and Mark on the other side of the highway again. About damn time. Wait another fifteen more minutes. We see their headlights coming our way. We all get up and start waving our arms so they'll see us. This time they actually pull over and Jeff and Mark both get out of their cars. The first thing I do upon seeing Jeff get out of his car his walk up behind him and boot him in the ass.
"What the hell?!"
Before he can whack me back, "That's for passing us not ONCE but TWICE(!) AND for not mailing me my Nu Gundam!"
"I did mail it to you, it got lost in the mail."
"That's pretty amazing," I say, "Considering you don't even know where I live." I had him there. No response.
Anyway, I ride with Jeff and the rest of the guys follow us all the way back to John's house. Must be about 5:30 or 6:00am now. The sun is starting to come up. From here on out everything is this kinda half-awake blur of events.
To be continued... 
Read 2001: An Otakon Odyssey - Part I here.