We kept on driving, listening to music as we drove. We got so bored that I sang "Konya wa Hurricane" into the radio.
"What the hell was that?" replaced an ovation.
Mike and I fell asleep a few times because we were in the backseat and didn't need to do much. We eventually woke up to silence around two in the morning and still hadn't reached our destination. Then things got worse.
Much worse.
We hear over the radio that the other van needs to pull over. We pull onto a grass area where the highway and an exit break off into two directions. The other guys' van stops in the breakdown lane. Everyone climbs out and looks at the now busted van. We jack up the van and look under it. The transmission hose is appears to be in a non-working order and the van is not going anywhere soon. So we call AAA and tell them our location (the middle of nowhere, trust me). We were so close to the line of two different areas that they transferred us back and forth until they finally found someone who would help us. The tow truck is on its way and we all wait.
Everybody gets pretty tired and bored at this point and now that it's 3 a.m. and absolutely nothing is coming down the road, I take my parents' advice and play in the middle of the highway, until a Mack truck comes and it's time to move. I teach a few of the guys how to correctly put a blood-choke on somebody and play with a flashlight like it's a light saber. The AAA guy finally gets there and hooks the van up to the tow truck. Josh and John both go with him. The rest of us call Jeff and Mark at John's house in East Nowhere Pennsylvania. They both depart to pick a few of us up and show us the way to John's house now that John is gone. We wait for an hour. They should be here by now. I go off with a radio to the pinnacle of the highway/exit separation and wait for them to arrive. Mack trucks were pass on other side of me within 5 feet or so. Seeing 50 tons of steel heading at you at 65 miles per hour is insane. The very air that hits you is strong enough to knock you over if you're not careful. I'm there for a half hour or so and then I go back to the van and sit on the ground.
Not even 15 minutes afterwards, both Jeff and Mark pass on the other side of the highway. Good, now we just have to wait for them to turn around. That takes another 15 minutes. We see them approach from our side of the highway. We all get up to flag them down. We're all waving and calling out "Woohoo! Over here!"
They fly by us at 85 mph.
We all stare as they disappear out of view. That's when we all open up with language befitting the burliest sailor, and I don't mean Sailor Jupiter. Jeff must have been sneezing up a storm we said so much (all less than pleasant) about him. We figured he was driving, listening to a CD and a good Initial D song comes up and he exclaims, "Ooh, good song!" goes to turn it up at the EXACT moment he passes us. We couldn't believe it.
"Are you kidding me? No way… just no way. Only Jeff could do this, only Jeff could manage to screw up like this! And there were two of them! Not only did Jeff not see us, but Mark as well! What are the odds of that happening?" was the general (albeit, edited) commentary afterward. I sit myself in the middle of the highway again. If he's coming back, it's see me or hit me. Either way he'd stop. Then another Mack truck comes and I have to move.