In this installment of Letters to the Editor, Akadot sends a thank you note for a thank you note, rebuts a book bashing, and dredges up the DDD versus the RRR. Oh yeah, there's something about Newtype in here, too.
Dear Akadot,
Just wanted to drop a line and say,"Thank you for your kind words." It means a lot. That's all.
Judson L. Jones
Dear Judson,
Thank you for reading, that means a lot to us, too. Just to let you know, Owen Thomas, our reviewer who covered Samurai X is probably one of, if not our most critical reviewer, so it takes some work to impress him.
Tim Law
Editor, Akadot
Dear Akadot,
I bought [The Anime Encyclopedia]. It kinda sucks.
There are tons of spelling errors and mis-titles. For example, [it] refers to the Kenshin TV anime as covering the "Revenge Arc" of the manga (which it doesn't.)
It is poorly organized, listing titles that were never licensed in a pseudo-translated name, rather then in the original roomaji, making it next to impossible to track down some titles.
I was hoping for a guideline with base information on anime: title, producer, voice actors, directors, studios, artists, basic genre, ect., cross referenced with English and Japanese names.
Rather then a book of factual ecyclopedia-esque information, it became a book full of uniformed, over-opinionated fanboy/girl rants. The idea that the titles are "well researched" is laughable.
Although I applaud the sheer volume of titles available in this book, everything else is sorely lacking. It now sits on my shelf collecting dust. I hope that it gets a nice clean revision, sharpening up the content of it and generally making it a nicer release.
This is a DAMN good idea, and although it got a shakey start, it can be cleaned up and become an awesome release.
Dear Bludstone,
I agree with you that the Encyclopedia falls short of expectations and I will even wager to guess that a more comprehensive guide may loom on the horizon somewhere in the publishing world. But I disagree with the assertion that Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Clements book isn't well researched. The two have thoroughly dragged the depths of anime to find every single title ever released, a feat worthy of accolades all by itself. And they have been able to list relevant credits and scribble out a synopsis for each. Akadot, too, had a problem with the text itself, prone to - granted - opinionated ranting and rife with assumptions about shows that, in a broader context, prove false.
Luis Reyes
Editor, Akadot