Akadot: Have you adjusted to the world of music yet? What are the daily challenges if any are you facing? Have your friends and family adapted?
KS: It's been about three years now since we first began this project so the adaptation process is getting better. I've gotten used to it for the most part but there are always surprises in this business. I'm never really sure when I'm done adapting. Daily challenges are really just schedule crams. I am often crammed for time. There's lots to do and not much time to rest but that goes for every working adult, right? My friends and family have gotten used to most of what I do but they are still sad when I have to travel. I hope that never changes. I love being missed, to be honest. If I wasn't, I would be so lonely.
Akadot: Did you head home for Thanksgiving?
KS: Yes, I was home. It was very lovely. I am also very adamant about being home at Christmas and New Year's.
Akadot: What are you majoring in at school? Do you see a mixture of your major and your music?
KS: I am an acting major right now and it definitely mixes well with music. I think all elements of the arts relate to each other in one way or another. Since acting and singing are both forms of performance art, the workshops and exercises are really helping my learning process as an aspiring writer and performer.
Akadot: Anything you like to do with your next album that you couldn't squeeze in this one?
KS: I would love to incorporate more Asian languages in my writing. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of oversea Asian Pop and they incorporate a lot of English lyrics in their music. I would love to reverse the style and have English listeners taste more Asian sounds. Also, the producers on Nemesis and I really wanted to use more Asian instruments in the first album but didn't get a chance to. Hopefully we can for this coming album.
Akadot: What CD's and DVD's are in constant rotation in your home, road, or head?
KS: Lately it's been Amuro Namie's Love Enhanced and Monsters' Inc. In my head recently, I have Amuro's Wishing On The Same Star and Hamasaki Ayumi's M.
Akadot: What is the ultimate goal you want to achieve in your music career?
KS: I don't know actually. I would rather see it as a process rather than a destination-prone-journey. The process includes me growing as a person and an aspiring artist. It also includes me growing along with fans. It's so important that I keep the relationship with my fans true. They are so good to me, they deserve at least that much back
Akadot: Besides singing, do you want to expand your career to acting?
KS: Yes, definitely. Acting was my first love and I would love to come home to that whenever I can. When I was younger, I used to think that since my sister was "the singer" of the family then I should try to be "the actress" of the family. I still would like to be that.
Akadot: Recently, many non-Japanese artists like BoA and S.E.S. have debuted in the Jpop music scene. Would you like to expand your music to other countries?
KS: That would be such a great honor! I actually listen to a lot of Jpop so to actually get into it would take my breath away. Not just with Jpop though, I would love to be a part of as many Asian cultures as possible. Wouldn't it be amazing to combine all the styles and come up with a one Asian Pop sound that touches everyone?
Akadot: Yeah totally, the "Kiki Sa's Sound" delivered all across Asia!
KS: [laughs]
Akadot: What are some projects you are working on now? Do you have any plans for any other live performances?
KS: I can't say. Not even Kingmin knows what I've been writing. It often drives him nuts. Haha. I am just very shy, secretive, and protective of my babies while they are still premature. Once I feel like I've spent enough time with them, then I'll send them over to Kingmin. As for performances, school often limits my schedule though I try to fit in as many performances as I can. Although, I believe I may be in Washington D.C. in early December.
Akadot: Do you have any message for the readers of Akadot?
KS: Thank you for reading this. And thanks Akadot for the fun interview.
Interested in Kristine Sa? Get more info online at www.kristinesa.com.