Akadot writer Isaac Lew had the opportunity to interview Asian superstar, Kristine Sa. A singer, songwriter, published poet and aspiring actress, she talks about balancing her career and personal life. Kristine Sa gives the 411 on her music, future career goals, background, and even about her favorite Jpop music and her favorite anime, Kiki's Delivery Service.
Akadot: Thank you very much for agreeing to an interview. Kristine Sa, your name has grown stronger within the last year or so. You've been featured in several conventions and your recent CD (I Never Knew) can be found at music stores everywhere. But still there are a few of the masses that don't know much about you. For readers who are unaware, please tell us a little about yourself. (For example: Where are you originally from, How did you get in this business, what was it that made you want to do this, etc...)
Kristine Sa: First I want to take this chance to say "hi" to everyone! A little about myself... Well, I was born in Vietnam and came to Canada when I was 6-years-old. I've been living in Toronto, Canada ever since. As for singing, I've always enjoyed singing. Music is a really natural and essential element in my family so I grew up with many musical influences. There is always music on in my home! I really never intended to get into the "music business" I guess it was just fate. My sister became a singer when I was about 16 and I got to see the singer life through her. I pretty much decided to write music and play songs for myself. It had never occurred to me that I should also take up the profession. But when I met Kingmin (CEO of Nemesis Records) and we talked, I just realized how much I wanted to take this path. And so I did, and here we are.
Akadot: Kingmin, was it encouraging words or the harsh reality of a path an artist has to take to make it in the music industry?
KS: They were definitely encouraging. Otherwise, I would have chickened out. They were just very inspirational. He had this great vision of Asian culture in North America and how music falls into that. It was great; I couldn't possibly repeat it and do it any justice. All in all, it was just very inspirational to me.
Akadot: Currently you're a full time student in Toronto, what is life like out there? Are you living the quiet life out there or is it just as busy as it is out in America? Are there any differences?
KS: Well, I'm living the College life so yes it is pretty busy. I am loaded with schoolwork and rehearsals since my program requires a lot of rehearsal time. Beyond all that, I try to keep up with writing and press work. So, the city Toronto itself is probably a little calmer than I am! [laughs] Actually, Toronto's city life is pretty crazy. Luckily, I live about a 20-minute drive from the city, otherwise I'd go nuts.
Akadot: What has been the best experience during your singing career? Why?
KS: On my first visit to North Carolina, a shy and sweet little boy gave me some flowers while I was singing. Those were the first flowers I had ever gotten onstage (besides from my parents, of course) so I kept them. They are still in my bedroom right now. Thanks, Jimmy.
Akadot: What is your favorite song you have recorded so far? Why?
KS: I hate to choose a favorite since I think of my songs as my babies. It's so hard to love one more than the other. But if I had to choose I think I like "We" the most. It's just the most honest of them all. It was written very quickly and truthfully and even after the refining process it still sounds very similar to the original rough version. I like it for that, it's purity.
Akadot: In past articles, it's been known that you play piano. Are most of your original piano pieces used in the final tracks?
KS: Two of the tracks on the album use my playing: We and My Heart Still Breaks. I am very shy with my playing so it would take forever for me to be happy with it all. Eventually in the future, I would like to do an entire acoustic piano album.
Akadot: Besides you voice, there is a lot of credibility in your lyrics. Where are getting your inspiration from?
KS: Thank you. For me, inspiration lies in everything. Anything I can feel, touch, taste etc. Anything that invokes my senses to be overwhelmed inspires me. Often it is love since love gets all my senses going haywire!
Akadot: How did your performances at anime conventions come about? Are you a fan? Is so what was your first and what's your favorite anime?
KS: Pretty much all of us on Nemesis Records are Anime fans so a performance at an anime con was definitely cool! My first and favorite is Kiki's Delivery Service because I love the adventure and I secretly want to be called Kiki... then there can be a "Kiki Sa's music service"! [laughs]
Akadot: Would you deliver 8 track, Vinyl's, Cd's or Mp3's? Would you ride a regular broom our get it supped up?
KS: [laughs] I would deliver all forms! Everything's available for delivery and I would totally sup up my broom. What good would it be if it was stock? My broom would definitely be lowered!