The delicate edge of a perfect sword can slice through flesh without a sound… but only the rarest weapon houses an apparition-battling spirit, too! Two warriors – one naïve and one experienced – must wield their special blades with great care in order to conquer their opponents. Elsewhere, a clumsy young scientist and a cautious priest feel the sharp pangs of desire… and an ancient monster lashes out for the one he loves. Will the fates of these men fuse together powerfully, or will they splinter into nothingness?
A shimmering blade is the balancing point for the friends, foes and lovers in Shards of Affection! From tale-to-tale, beautiful swords hold the power to hack apart enemies, join soldiers in duty and band two men together in wild ecstasy. But it takes much more than brute strength for even the strongest combatant to win the prize he most desires… and some war wounds leave scars that burn forever!
Author: Duo Brand
ISBN: 1569705941
ISBN-13: 9781569705940
Manufacturer: Digital Manga Publishing
250 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 8.5
Age 18+
Release Date: December, 2008