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Foo Foo Foo
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BE-BOY - Boys Love Comic Magazine (Yaoi Magazine)

Product ID: #beboyset

Publisher: © Libre Publishing

Japanese Text

Warning: These magazines contain graphic sexual content.
Please do not order this if you are under 18
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Customer Reviews       Write a review
*****   July 24, 2007
Reviewer: Fox

Pretty solid magazine, with a mostly talented line of regular artists.

*****   July 13, 2008
Reviewer: Yuuji, BL-sensei

One of the more popular BL manga mags in Japan! Magazine Be-Boy is the ONLY BL manga publication I religiously purchase every 7th of each month; it\'s THAT good! It\'s fairly inexpensive and every once in a while, Libre\'ll attach a goody or two for you collectors out there! :) Includes a wide variety of stories in each issue (usually about 20+ or so), an impressive collection of the more famous mangakas in the biz, and beautifully colored cover pages! Pick up your copy soon!