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Petshop of Horrors: Volume 1
by E.W.C.  
review ratings information
Overall: 5.0
Half-baked, spooky, creature-of-the-week fare from a bizarre pet shop in Chinatown. The hurried plots and insufficiently developed characters make sustaining interest difficult.

Story: 4.0
No major plot, so far, but rather a collection of poorly structured and unfocused pseudo-horror stories, with the series' main character, the Count, at the center.

Character Development: 3.0
Given the amount of episodes, "Pet Shop's" desperation to develop its characters quickly and forcefully spoils genuine intrigue.

Art/Animation: 6.0
The animation is, at best, decent. The stunning imagery is surprisingly distracting - too vibrant for horror.

Translation: 6.2
Writing toward the classic American horror genre, the script fumbles around idioms and mis-handles potential nail-biting moments.

Acting: 5.0
The speech is a bit too dry for animation. Many of the characters lack distinctive inflections and pitches in their voices to indicate idiosyncrasies. The insouciant Count, however, has a befitting HAL-9000 accent.

MPAA Equivalent: R
A little language, some gruesome violence, implied eroticism and female nudity.


The Fashion Factor: 9.7
The Count dons a sumptuous Chinese wardrobe.

The Would-Be Hero Factor: 8.1
Leon wears a distracting and silly single-starred sweatshirt. One would anticipate Detective Leon to press on his star at some given point to activate his super powers.

Goofy Line Factor: 9.2
You gotta appreciate lines like "You didn't sell him another man-eating rabbit, did you?"

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