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Vampire Princess Miyu: Volume 1
by Shawna James  
review ratings information
Overall: 8.0
Creepy and mysterious, "Miyu" delivers a unique examination of human frailty. But, "What the ...?" sometimes peppers this look, keeping "Miyu" from reaching the perfection its talented crew could easily attain.

Story/Character Development: 8.0
In this first installment, the main characters, Miyu and Himiko, do not grow so much as learn about each other, but that still keeps the story interesting.

Art/Animation: 8.0
Kakinouchi Narumi's character designs seem standard fair until contrasted with the shinma characters. The normal side by side with the unreal, along with funky colors, provides a visceral impression of the supernatural.

Translation/Acting: 7.0
Incredulous at the beginning, with a scene between Connie Nelson and Sean O'Rourke's Ryooko and Miyahito, Pamela Weidner's Miyu and Stephanie Griffin's Se Himiko easily temper the bad beginning.

MPAA Equivalent: PG
The shinma can be frightening for younger children.

Format: 6.0
The image gallery has some beautiful artwork, but other than that there are no spectacular extras-scene selection, language choice, previews, DVD credits.


Welcome to the Dollhouse Factor: 8.0
Clowns have nothing on these marionette dolls. How is it that inanimate objects instill the greatest fear? Who cares about vampires and half demon monsters, get those dolls away from me.

Larva Factor: 10
Who wouldn't want a strong, silent, protective figure with bony, white fingers, named Larva? That Miyu's got everything-darn princesses.

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