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El Hazard: The Magnificent World
by Owen Thomas  
review ratings information
Overall: 3.0
Honestly, I love it when a series has reams of details and numerous threads to follow. The busyness of the plot wouldn't bother me at all if the pieces added up to a story. "El Hazard" does exercise expert campiness, though, and Jinnai is very funny.

Story: 6.5
Volume 10, quality 3. Average. 6.5.

Character Development: 3.0
As with many first episodes, "Battlefield" spits out more revelations than character development. Jinnai is the only primary character portrayed with consistency - consistently campy. He was, not coincidentally, the most fun.

Art/Animation: 3.0
Basically it looks very cartoony except for still shots of Rune Venus and the mystery woman under the school. If they were only going to do one thing well- good choice.

Translation: 5.0
I had to read pretty quickly to keep up with some of the scenes. I usually vastly prefer subtitles but this is one case in which I would recommend the dub. Only a few errors surface in the sub. The subtitles misuse "nostalgic" and print "sad" instead of "said." On the other hand, some of the oddest sounding lines approach perfection - but only when Jinnai says them. He routinely addresses Makoto directly as, "My lifelong rival," in conversation.

Acting: 5.0
Jinnai alternately purrs and shrieks and cackles, but the rest of the cast doesn't create the same energy or extremes.

MPAA Equivalent: PG
It's PG right up to the last five seconds of the episode, then PG-13. Here's hoping for continued progress.


Evil Genius in Training Factor: 2.0
Jinnai would be an outstanding evil genius if he were a genius.

Low Point Factor
Pick it.
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