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by E.W. Capers  
review ratings information
Overall: 6.0
Flashy art, plenty of action; unfortunately, no story.

Story/Character Development: 5.0
Apocalyptic, sci-fi melodrama stuffed with Godzilla level destruction. As Clamp attempts to entangle its cast of thousands in a plot complicated enough to justify having a cast of thousands, they crowd the canvas on which only two colors really emerge, the two hues of Camwe. However, instead of creating a derivative good vs. evil story, Clamp has one side defending humanity (the technology it touts) and one side defending nature (which humanity has threatened).

Art/Animation: 8.0
Dark tones nearly suffocate the action, but blasts of bright red and blue battle auras pierce through with incredible force. Spellbinding dream sequence and cataclysmic destruction raining down on Tokyo nearly erode the mulch of its plot.

Translation/Acting: 6.0
Parts of the dialogue in this film are awkward and out of place, not necessarily the fault of the actors who voice daftly written expository passages about the mechanics of the magic being used.

Format: 8.0
Biographies of the characters are illustrated in a snazzy tarot card set up. Also included are Manga's theatrical trailer for "X," a text interview with director Rintaro, and an extensive photo gallery of movie stills.

MPAA Equivalent: R
A little nudity, plenty of graphic violence - not enough to give the little ones nightmares, however. The story will do that.


Please refer to Translation Rating Factor:
"you saw my dog...only those who play a direct part in the apocalyptic battle have the power to see him."

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