10: Both feature scantily clad women who require acetate to come to life.
9: Both involve combatants who rise from the worst physical punishment ever meant to rain down on an individual.
8: Both owe a lot, thematically, to Dickens' "Oliver Twist."
7: You wouldn't want to date a fan of either.
6: Kids love them.
5: The most identifiable figure in each is a yellow freedom fighter that can hardly speak (ain't that right Hulksters, I choose you for Wrestlemania 84!).
4: They're both favorites in state prisons.
3: One features lithe, pretty boys whose eyes sparkle when they turn to face you; one features fat, beer guzzling slobs who don't mind slamming their head into various forms of metal; but women want to sleep with them both.
2: The English dialogue sucks.
1: They're both edited by the WB.
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