10: Top ten reasons why the WB and Fox ain't so bad.
9: Top ten anime conventions worse than root canal.
8: Top ten guesses of what gastro-intestinal malady afflicts the cast of Dragonball Z.
7: Top ten brutal public slaughters perpetrated by overzealous cosplayers.
6: Top ten drug abuse scenes in "Akira."
5: President Bush's Top Ten enemas. *
4: Top ten reasons why Hayao Miyazaki is an over-rated hack.
3: Top ten fattest otaku.
2: Top ten anime to watch in order to facilitate self-enjoyment.
1: Top ten reasons why anime turned me to the bottle.
* We asked him for anime.
As always, Akadot welcomes submission for new top ten lists based on existing topics or on
entirely new topics. Email all entries to