10: New pocket monster named Shlomo coming soon...
9: "Pikachu" means, "Hey, drink refreshing Manishevitz" in Japanese.
8: Detachable Hassidic "Pokémon" locks go gangbusters with youths.
7: Squirtle widely known to snack on bagels with lox.
6: Fourth season cliffhanger reveals that Ash's last name is actually Ketchberg.
5: Fifth season opener to be titled "Oi Vei!"
4: "I choose you" - same words God said to Moses on the mount.
3: The entertainment industry is full of them. How can it not be a Jewish plot?
2: The "Pokémon" theme songs are a raging success with Klezmer bands.
1: Nintendo was founded by a historically elusive tribe of Japanese Jews.