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Top 10
The room party is a staple of any convention, and there's nothing quite like meeting up with a friend after they've enjoyed the available libations. However, as much fun as it may be, taking advantage of the state of your inebriated con-mate will only amount to bad fortune. In order to protect you from your own malicious tendencies (and any number of angry, innocent bystanders), Akadot provides the...

Top Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to a Drunken Otaku at an Anime Convention

10: That girl/boy likes you.

9: In a traditional Japanese ceremony, the uninitiated consumes 52 shots of sake, but we don't have to be traditional.

8: Could you demonstrate that move Kenshin does with this katana while we wait here in line?

7: You know, the more you drink, the more you can understand Japanese.

6: Let's Cosplay at the biker bar down on Swampshed Blvd.

5: You're right, that rotund Tenchi does look good in this light, it ain't the Yebisu-goggles, you should go for him.

4: You're right, that rotund Sailor Scout does look good in this light, it ain't the Asahi-goggles, you should go for him.

3: Nah, Chiho Saito loves to get hit on.

2: I think the age of consent is something like 14 in this state.

1: Kampai!

Special Thanks to Sailor Sirius, who obviously knows from experience the effects of above phrases and inspired this list.

As always, Akadot welcomes submission for new top ten lists based on existing topics or on entirely new topics. Email all entries to editor@akadot.com.