10: Multi-colored Sharpie
An autograph for every emotion.
9: Hot Glue Gun
You don't want to lose your ass.
8: A Change of Clothes
Hey, you never know, do you?
7: Industrial Strength, Tinted Goggles
A protection from the onslaught of flash bulbs that are bound to sear your cornea.
6: Slim-Fast Liquid Meal
Only for those trying to squeeze into Sailor Moon or Vampire Princess Miyu outfits (you know who you are).
5: Fetish Magazines
Such an inspiration; spike boots, weapons, and enough leather to upholster Marlon Brando's easy chair.
4: Helmut Grieg, Professional Choreographer
It's all in the moves, baby.
3: Magic
Move over Tinkerbell, you're heading to the street to pick up some real pixie dust; good for flying, leaping twenty feet into the air, viewing life in 17 frames per second and turning into a girl when you get wet.
2: The London Symphony Orchestra
Live theme music impresses.
1: Impenetrable Coat of Self-Esteem
Cage the savage insecurities that lurk deep in the bowels of your soul.