10: Single White Male, 35, live w/mother, loves cats, allergic to water vapor. Looking for tall, leggy blonde w/knockout body, good cook.
9: Single White Male, 22, ponytail, fair skin, have over 3,000 anime tapes. Looking for timid, mousy female with a sword.
8: Divorced Asian Male, 16, thick-boned, fragile, bloodsporter. Looking for round, heavy Sailor Moon cosplayer.
7: Single Gaijin Male, nijyu-go, bishounen-lukku, can speak nihongo, Karate kuro beruto, incredibly hansamu. Looking at myself.
6: Single Asian Male, 86, peaceful, bald, bearded, ruminating. Looking for an answer to it all.
5: Single Red Devil,

, soul sucking, pestilence serving, anime fan. Looking for the light to his darkness.
4: Married Hispanic Male, mid-thwenties, mucho hunk o' love. Just looking.
3: Single Animated Male, 18 (perpetually), thin, toned, magical warrior. Looking for obsessive Asian female w/o good relationship with her father or an ounce of self-esteem for whom to fill the chasm of despair that separates her from the rest of the world.
2: Conjoined Mutant Male, 148, tentacled, bulbous, lactating, great smile. Looking for high-pitched, moaning virgin for romantic suppers, long walks on the beach and gentle snuggling.
1: Single White Male, 26, tall, thin, bushy-haired, editor of online anime magazine. Looking for someone who gives a flying ...
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