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Lisa Ortiz: the CareBearsPhobe

The brave and talented Lisa Ortiz (Deedlit in "Record of Lodoss War," Lina Inverse in "The Slayers" and "The Slayers Next," Fuu in "Magic Knights Rayearth") agreed to face Akadot's Random Q&A's. Find out whom she'd trust with thermonuclear capabilities.

If your hair color wasn't brown, black or blond, what color would it be?

LO: That's a no brainer. Sky blue or pink.

What's your favorite Pokemon?

LO: Et...ahh...erm...umm...mmm...Et..erm...um...There's so many. I like...umm...I like the the the the the the ...little furry one (laugh). I'm just kidding. They're all kinda little furry. I like Vulpix. Vulpix is cool.

Do you feel globalization is destroying cultural identity?

LO: I don't think it's destroying it. I think it's kind of meshing it all together. I think people are getting more mixed in together, but I think that people are getting to understand each other more, but it's more important for people to hold on to their individuality, so it's harder. People have to understand. People see more of their similarities in each other, but they have to try harder to also realize the differences. So as much as you're acknowledging everything that's similar, which is what's coming out in globalization. A lot of people are stepping back and really taking that chance to look at themselves and say what's different about their culture. And securing their identity.

It's almost having more identity.

LO: Yeah. 'Cuz you see all this stuff that is the same so it (snaps fingers) forces you to say what's different about it.

Favorite scary movie?

LO: My favorite scary movie. Ooh. Umm�Favorite scary movies�I hated "The Exorcist," so that's not the answer. Umm� Scary movies� What movies are scary? I think umm� I think "The Care Bears Movie" was pretty scary. (laugh) That was a pretty scary movie. (laugh) That will be my answer.

Are you ticklish?

LO: Yes, but don't try to tickle me. It's classified information. (laugh) I am ticklish. I won't tell you anything else about it (laugh).

Do you have any lucky charms?

LO: I do have some things. I have some little things that I've got from different places that I use. There were some rings that I would put on. But the strangest lucky charm that I ever had was a block of wood. I used to use it before a show, and what I would do is, if I was really in a bad mood, I would put the things that I didn't like, I'd write them down on paper, and then I'd close it and put the block of wood on it. I would be like, "Ok, everything would stay back here in the room." I know that sounds strange, so I'd use it as a paperweight. It was a paperweight lucky charm and I would put all like my annoying bad thoughts underneath the block of wood, and it would keep them.

How did you find that block of wood?

LO: I don't know. I think I was walking down the street one day and I saw a block of wood and it occurred to me when I got there. I was like, "Hey! I can use this block of wood as a paperweight!" And that's how it all started. It's a strange thing, but it worked. Umm� Please don't� Please don't call my doctor (laugh).

Favorite TV show?

LO: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

Do you believe in God?

LO: Yes.

Can you play any instruments?

LO: I used to be able to play the trombone. I played it when I was younger, so I can still play it. I can't play it very well anymore, but I can still play it. And I can play the recorder. I can play "Hot Cross Buns." I played� I think fourth through tenth grade, so I played for a couple of years. So I could play some things, but I couldn't play things like "Flight of the Bumblebee." I can play "Hello, Dolly!" There you go. I could play it repeatedly if you asked me to, but not now (laugh).

Who in your life would you trust with thermonuclear capabilities?

LO: (pause) Thermonuclear capabilities? I think I would have to say my brother (laugh). My younger brother, Adam. He's all like, "Save me. Save me, military boy." I wouldn't trust him very far, but I figure I won't have that much time left, so it'd be ok.

Lisa Ortiz