Jerry Chu, the ubiquitous marketing guru of Bandai, half dazed by the solid week he spent in Vancouver working on the trailers for upcoming Bandai releases, and bedazzled by the fervor of Aka Kon 2000 tells us "Who's the Boss" in his real-life sitcom.
What is the first song lyric that pops into your head?
JC: "I'm so lucky/ I'm a star/ but I cry, cry, cry ..." and I forgot the rest of the lyrics.
What's that from?
JC: That's from Brittany Spears' "Lucky."
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
JC: Not that I remember...
If you could be an animal, what would you be?
JC: I would be a little butterfly.
Can you elaborate on why?
JC: Because I'm a Samurai (chuckles with friends nearby). Cause I'm ... how does the rest of it go? Ei, ei, ei, I'm a little butterfly but I still cry.
What is your worst fear?
JC: Rejection.
What's your favorite board game?
JC: Go. Is go a board game?
If you could adopt an anime element into your own life, an aspect of anime that can't happen in real life, what would it be?
JC: I would do that little sweat drop thing where the little sweat drop comes down. That's pretty cool.
In what situations would that manifest?
JC: When I'm rejected.
What television star did you have a crush on growing up?
JC: That's a good question. I'll have to think about that one. Let's come back to it.
Would you make up a Haiku right now?
JC: What's Haiku?
Which of the five senses would you discard if you had to?
JC: Alyssa Milano.
That's the television star you had a crush on?
JC: Yes.
So, which of the five senses would you give up?
JC: I would give up my sixth.
Hey, you can always go beyond the rules.
JC: Lucy Liu.
You had a crush on her as a child?
JC: I'm still a child.
Finally, if you had a secret mutant power, what would it be?
JC: I would make a girl from Digital Manga named Ardith levitate.
That would be your power? Rather limited in scope, wouldn't you say?
JC: I would fly. Fly, Fly, all through the sky.