Outdoor Role Playing Drinking Games
Drinking, too often occurs indoors. What ever happened to the call of the wild - rugged people knocking back a few under
the stars, afternoon BBQ parties, people hammered as they walk to work? In the spirit of outdoor adventure, Akadot has modified
three time- honored outdoor games to include the big AA, alcohol and anime.
Tenchi Freeze Tag:
All women are Ryoko, all men Tenchi. Ryokos are "it" and try to tag the Tenchis. If a Tenchi gets tagged he slams
his drink and has to kiss the Ryoko that got him. He cannot move again until one of the other Tenchis brings him another drink.
By the time all Tenchis get caught, they will be in the mood for a drunken orgy and won't care that all the Ryokos are slutty
Ghost in the Shell Duck, Duck, Goose-a.k.a. Soul-less, Soul-less, Soul
Players sit in a circle and assume the identity of spirit-bereft cyborg drones. Another player, The Puppet Master,
rounds the ring tapping cyborgs on the head and saying "Soul-less," at which time the cyborgs must drink. The moment The Puppet
Master taps a head and says "Soul" that player becomes Motoko Kusanagi and must chase The Puppet Master through a web of
deception and illusion all the way around the circle. If the Puppet Master fills the gap in the ring before Kusanagi tags him,
then she must finish her drink, switch roles and become the new Puppet Master. If she catches the Puppet Master before he
reaches the void, then the Puppet Master and Kusanagi have united and the entire circle jumps up to beat them to death. Ideally
a little girl will emerge from the fray, the perfect, soul-inspiring fruit of the Kusanagi / Puppet Master union. If not, a
little blood and mayhem never hurt anyone. Everyone take a good hard drink and reform the circle.
Ranma 1/2 Hide and Go Seek
Every player starts by drinking a bottle of saki. Then the game follows normal hide and go seek rules ... except that
whoever is "it" can only tag female Ranmas. So, when searching for hiders, "its" must carry a bucket of cold water. If he/she
finds a male, drench them with water. If this, for some odd reason, fails to change the male into female Ranma, use the bull
cutters that you always keep in your back pocket. Both sex-changing threats will make the Ranmas run faster and participate
harder in the game.
Tenchi Universe © AIC / Pioneer LDC.