Catering to the fans, we here at Akadot realize that our readers may very well extend to the people behind the fans,
those men and women and otaku who make up the backbone of the great anime distribution network. To celebrate the efforts of
those wheeling and dealing soldiers on the front line, Akadot presents ...
The Anime Distributors Drinking Game
Note: In order to enjoy the nuances of this game you will need to either sit in on high-powered distribution meeting with
a backpack full of booze, or lacking such a position in the industry, assign your pals executive stations and play the roles of
the bigwigs.
Rule 1:
Every time the term "sells in America" comes up, everyone must drink.
Rule 2:
Every time the words "cartoons," "are," "for" and "kids" are used in the same sentence, everyone bottoms up. If the word
"not" surfaces, buy that guy a drink.
Rule 3:
Any person who stresses "the reality of the marketplace" must down a beer. A specific beer: Marketing Bomb - brewed by the
fine people at Miramax.
Rule 4:
Any time the phrase "we're looking for the next 'Pokemon'" comes up, fill the verbal offender with the nearest spirit to
replace his bruised soul.
Rule 5:
Every time someone mentions "bringing in star power," refer them to the beer tap used in number three and introduce them to
the Weinsteins.
Rule 6:
Every time a title is shot down because of those fickle "housewives in the mid-west," boycott grain alcohol...drink sake.
Rule 7:
Every time a title is lauded as being "huge in Europe," remember, so was Hitler, and have a shot of Schnapps.
Rule 8:
Every time a pitch begins "in post-apocalyptic Earth," take a deep drink; this'll be a long night.
Rule 9:
Any suit in the room must buy a round for the bespectacled, Bermuda shorts-wearing, fans-turned- distributors who poured
their sweat and tears into this risky endeavor for ten long years only to have their niche usurped by pretty boy thugs and their
Ivy League smirks…who have plenty of money to buy them drinks.
Rule 10:
Every time someone suggests boosting domestic sales by having the phrase "DIRECTED BY SHINICHIRO WATANABE" emblazoned
across the front cover, he is obviously hammered. So brew some hot coffee, sober the poor bastard up and convince him to stick
with the original selling phrase, "SEX, BLOOD, SAMURAI, SEX."