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Drinking Games
Think you can beat this collection?
The Super Collector Drinking Game

Sometimes it's not what you have, it's how much. This game caters to those brave souls for whom quantity over quality applies in drink as much as anime collectibles.

Assemble your motley crew of collectors, make sure each thinks of himself/herself as a master hoarder and indulge in a wide variety of liver abuse ...

Rule 1:
If you have every official video release of a certain title dubbed - drink a Zima. Very good, you should be comfortable the rest of the night sipping the tame lemon lime bubbly drink.

Rule 2:
If you have every official video release of a certain title subbed and dubbed - have a Zima and a hard cider (usually 6% alcohol by volume). It's still a sweet effort.

Rule 3:
If you have every official DVD release of a certain title - drink a Zima, then a hard cider and chase it down with a Bud. Spiritually and technologically advanced, you are a foot soldier in the anime revolution.

Rule 4:
If, in addition to the officially released DVDs you have the fan subs for an entire series - knock back a Jack and Coke as a coater for the Zima, the hard cider and the Bud you should have already consumed.

Rule 5:
If you have every official video and DVD release of a certain title, both subbed and dubbed, and all fan subs and have even made your own fan dubs locked in your basement - have a shot of Jaeger, to calm the Jack and Coke which has, by this time, made enemies with the Zima, hard cider and Bud.

Rule 6:
If you have every official video and DVD release of a certain title, both subbed and dubbed, and all fan subs, and the self-made dubs and purchased all of the action figures - have a bottle of Jaeger, and don't worry about the Zima, the hard cider, the Bud, the Jack and Coke or the shot of Jaeger sloshing around in your gullet for they will all soon find freedom.

Rule 7:
If you have every official video and DVD release of a certain title, both subbed and dubbed, the fan subs, the home dubs, the action figures, wall scrolls, art books, model-kits, key-chains and video games - have a Pepsi. Then steal any items you may not own from your incapacitated compatriot's collections and rest assured that now you truly have the most.