All Purpose Drinking Game
This game may be played by any group of people of legal drinking age (wink wink) watching any anime
title. The creators and distributors of this game assume no responsibility or liability for any
stained carpets, spilled bongs or bouts of impotence arising from the playing of this game. This
game will be referred to as intellectual property by lawyers only.
Rule 1:
Every time a character screams and the director shows it in slow motion or freeze frame
everyone must drink.
Rule 2:
Anyone in the room who sighs or says anything resembling "Ohhhh" or "Awwww" in response to
a non-English speaking critter's antics or appearance must drink.
Rule 3:
For every scar or deformity (eye-patches, peglegs, prosthesis, hunchbacks etc. all count) visible,
everyone must drink except the person who first notices and calls out the scar or deformity.
Rule 4:
Anytime two or more females giggle simultaneously in the anime, all women in the room
must drink-except any lesbians, who may kiss each other instead.
Rule 5:
Anytime a male character puts his hand on the barrel of his gun while not firing it-
whether he appears to caress, stroke or merely to hold it- all men in the room must drink. If a male
character places his hand on the barrel of another male character's gun, each man in the room must
exchange drinks with another and drink his "partner's" drink for a 10 count.
Rule 6:
For every female character dressed in stiletto heels, a miniskirt and a tight top
(tight enough to flatter a pair of endowments ampler than Carnegie Melon's - or is that Carnegie's
melons?) who turns out to be:
- a cop
- a secret agent
- a scientist
- the hero's boss
- the hero's bodyguard
All women in the room must drink except those who are cops, secret agents, scientists, bodyguards
or the boss of everyone else at the party. Any woman in the room wearing high heels, a miniskirt and a
tight top must drink twice.
Rule 7:
Anytime a character is called upon to risk his/her own life in order to save the entire fill
in the blank (planet, human race, crew, company, project, fruit crop, etc.), one person must also be selected
to be a martyr. To do this place an empty bottle in the middle of the room (if you haven't emptied at least
one bottle by now you're playing wrong). Spin it. Whomever it points at when it stops is the martyr. For the
next thirty minutes (or until the martyr character dies), anytime anyone in the room is required to take a drink,
the martyr must drink an equal amount in their place.
Rule 8:
Anytime a female character forgets her clothing or in any way fails to realize that her bodacious
nudity will likely cause nosebleeds, all women in the room must mimic this same absentmindedness or drink twice.
Rule 9:
Anytime a woman in the room performs a nude or highly provocative act, any male who fails to bleed
profusely from his nose must drink.
Rule 10:
When an anime character witnesses his/her heartthrob flirting, kissing or getting it on with his/her
rival in a love triangle, two players must make out while the rest of the players hide, watch, sob and drink heavily.