After having much fun, it was time for me to head over to one of the video rooms where I watched a screening of Laughing Boy, an independent live action flick featuring Tiffany Grant, who was at the screening as well. The film itself was a hoot. Like the box said, "Less Artsy, More Fartsy. There's a love story in there somewhere."
Next on the agenda was the Ohayocon Masquerade Contest, another flawless execution by the staff. I spent the next hour laughing, smiling from ear-to-ear, or simply staring in admiration at the talent exhibited through costuming and skits.
The room was then vacated and divided so they could set up the dance. I returned a short time later and was stunned. In less than an hour, the staff transformed the ball room into a high-tech neo-disco. It was amazing. Black lights strobed and lights flashed while hundreds of people danced to the pulsing techno beat. The next day, Ohayocon staff reported the dance floor had moved a total of five and one-half feet with the full weight of all the dancers on it!
Following the dance (sometime well after 1:00 am), I retired to my room, all party energies thoroughly spent. The gaming tournament, however, was still going strong.
Day 3, Sunday January 13th, 2002
Now you might not expect there to be much happening on a Sunday morning (especially after all the fun last night), but the rooms were well populated and people were moving up and down the halls with purpose.
I started the day attending the ADV panel headed by Matt Greenfield. Matt described the stunning number of releases ADV has planned for 2002 as well as their plans for building two more studios once the two currently under construction are finished.
Next we watched a funny clip from ADV's shoujo title Princess Nine where the all girl baseball team was using its feminine wiles to have its way with the opposing boys' team. There weren't many questions to close the panel, but Matt handed out free DVDs of ADV's recent releases. You gotta love that!
Leaving the ADV panel, I passed Tiffany Grant in Asuka's plug suit leaving Manga Entertainment's screening of the End of Evangelion. Unfortunately, I missed it, but hundreds of attendees enjoyed it greatly this fine Sunday morning.
A second voice acting panel featuring Angora Deb, Jon Osborne, Dorothy Mellendrez (Trigun) and Keith Burgess (Manga Ent.) followed the same pattern as the first. Panelists shared their stories and experiences and screams in Jon's case proving his title as the Man of a Thousand Deaths. Likewise, the autograph session that followed was friendly and smooth with everyone getting their "face-time" with the guests.
The final events of the con included the gripe session and Closing Ceremonies. Other than disaster of Friday, the only negative mentioned was hotel staff had taking room-party signs off the lobby walls.
At Closing Ceremonies the Ohayocon staff announced attendance had reached 1,169, a forty-seven percent increase from Ohayocon 2001, and their plans for Ohayocon 2003.
The celebrity guests also complimented the staff on the great facilities (and food) prepared for them. Jessica Cavello cried her praise in her inimitable manner for all the room to hear, "I had eggs this morning! They actually came up to the Green Room and made us sushi!"
The weekend started off as a disaster, but with the dedication, optimism, perseverance and hard work of the staff, Ohayocon 2002 successfully convened. 
Also read Gerry's coverage of the Improv Workshop.
Visit the Ohayocon website for more information.