Fans of Japanese animation, video games, and pop culture, George Krstic and Chris Prynoski are giving back to the pop culture community with their new animated series Low Brow, which pilots this month on Cartoon Network. Famous for the emmy-nomiated MTV series Downtown, Chris and George have worked together on a new animated series that fans of every pop culture genre can enjoy. Filled with video game, Japanese animation, wrestling, and even hot rod gags and references, Low Brow has something for everyone.
Colloborating on a series from what they know and love, Low Brow will be a special treat for Japanese animation fans in particular. Even though the story and layout were done in America, work for Low Brow was also done in Japan by Madhouse, a famous animation studio responsible for favorites such as Ninja Scroll and Pefect Blue. Pioneering this new style of animation, Akadot had the opportunity to talk with Chris and George and take a look at their latest project.
Akadot: If your cartoon does get the green light for a series, do you know what time slot it will air? Will it air alongside Toonami programming?
George: We honestly don’t know, that’s a decision for the network. It’s out of our hands. They have to look at it and say, "This (Low Brow) will sell the most advertising here." Or "This will do the best here."
Akadot: If you could choose the time slot, where would you like to see Low Brow placed in the line-up?
George: I would love to see it air in Toonami. I would also love to see it air in primetime with Samurai Jack. But, it might air Saturday mornings, I don’t know. It’s their call.
Akadot: How many other shows will be piloting on Cartoon Network? Are the other shows targeting the same audience as Low Brow or have a completely different target audience?
George: I don’t know that much about the other pilots on Cartoon Network. Overall, it’s going to target 7-14 age range, the same demographics.
Akadot: So are the other shows considered competition or would Cartoon Network be able to pick up all of them if they are all good?
George: Well, Cartoon Network can’t pick up all the shows due to budget and time restraints. In a way they are competition but best man wins, and that’s cool.
Akadot: Are the storylines of each show different from each other?
George: I think the premises of the actual, physical shows are a lot different from each other. I haven’t read the other scripts, so I don’t know what the stories are.
Akadot: After the pilot premieres, how does Cartoon Network go about choosing which series to pick up? Do they judge it by ratings?
George: I really don’t know, but it’s a combination of the focus groups, ratings, and their overall opinions.