Akadot: How long do you think it will take for the manga market in America grow as big as you want it to be?
NH: Umm... Five years, maybe?
Akadot: Raijin is a Japanese manga magazine by Japanese manga artists. Do you think American people can accept that?
NH: All of stories in Raijin are super popular in Japan, but we selected the manga that has themes American people can understand, such as friendship, challenges, etcc These are not the kind of stories that only Japanese people can understand. We select themes that everybody can understand.
Akadot: Does Raijin have a limitation for only Japanese manga artists?
NH: Not at all.
Akadot: Is there any possibility that an American manga artist will show up in the future?
NH: Yes, of course! American, Chinese, everybody has an opportunity. Please apply the "International Manga Awards" (see 190 page). This is a great chance for any aspiring manga artist.
Akadot: Raijin is mostly targeted for a male audience. Hove you ever thought of publishing a shoujo (girls') manga magazine?
NH: I don't think so. We have a large female audience. There is manga that are drawn by female manga artists also. In Bunch, there is one manga story that is written by a Japanese writer and drawn by Korean artist. That is the most popular manga in Korea now. Therefore, it's possible that a manga, which is drawn by an American manga artist, can appear in Bunch and is reimported.
Akadot: Have American manga artists ever applied?
NH: Yes, of course. Some people brought it to me even at a convention. There are How to Draw Manga series in America. These explain how to draw manga in detail. So some people have begun already.
Akadot: What is your advice for aspiring manga artists?
NH: If you want to be, please read Raijin and apply for the International Manga Award. This is a shortcut to become a manga artist. Any language. You don't need to translate it into Japanese!
Akadot: Do you have any expectations for Raijin? Do you want to expand into the anime industry?
NH: I want to make the work so it doesn't force Japanese manga on America or forces American comics on Japan, and 400 million people can regard something interesting and in common in America and Japan. I hope some stories will become live action movies by Japan or America and the works that are sold in both markets do well. This is my dream. Raijin gathered great manga artists from Japan. It's like the "Dream Team", so I really want American people to read this. After you read this and think it's good, then I want manga to be transformed into film. American films are really advanced, so I wish I could do it like that.
Akadot: Do you want Japanese manga to become a popular industry in America like Japan?
NH: Yeah, but I think it's not going to be as popular as Japan because after all, America is a film country. That's why I prefer that a lot of work in Raijin are transformed into films if possible.
Akadot: What other projects are you working on?
NH: This is a secret.
Akadot: Are you planning to release Raijin in another countries in the future?
NH: Yes, we will release Raijin Europe pretty soon. Also, the German version and French version will come out.
Akadot: How do you feel about Shonen Jump in America and now your competitor?
NH: I don't think they will become our competitor. First of all, the target audience is different. Jump is for young teenager and Raijin is targeted for an older teenager to twenties. Rather than the rival, I think it important to make the manga market bigger together in America. I feel lucky to release Raijin at the same time. Jump is known well. The name value is higher. But the fact that a big title comes to America attracts people to Japanese manga. And that leads people to Raijin, which is good.
Akadot: The first issue will come out on December 4th. What reaction do you predict?
NH: I have confidence that it will get the readers' satisfaction. All of stories are great. You can find out how great they are if you read it. There are various stories on there, such as sports story, historical story, action-packed story and more. So I don't expect people to like all of the stories. It's okay if you only like some of them.
Want to read more?! Then check out Akadot's interview with Raijin's consulting editor Sam Humphries Part I and Part II. Also, don't forget to order Raijin from Akadot Retail.