Central to Jackson's vision of HentaiCon is a strong doujinshi presence.
"Doujinshi parody artists are starting with something artistic to begin with and a lot of them really try to maintain
a degree of artistry in their doujinshi," Jackson says. "I would like to see discussion on the doujinshi side. First of
all the legal aspect, considering that unlike in Japan where they don't particularly go after people who write parodies
of titles, here in the United States, the US copyright holders would go after anyone who, say, were to publish a 'Gundam
Wing' hentai."
Individuals in the industry have some suggestions for guests.
"Toshio Maeda would be, without a doubt, the absolutely most famous originator of the manga from which the most
popular hentai are made," says John O'Donnell, Managing Director of Central Park Media. "His list includes 'Overfiend,'
'La Blue Girl,' 'Adventure Kid,' 'Demon Beast Invasion,' 'Koji,' etc." Maeda will be visiting the US for the first
time this October as a guest of honor at Big Apple Anime Fest in
New York, serendipitously in time for a projected HentaiCon date. "In terms of character designers, Rin Shin of 'La Blue
Girl' and 'Midnight Panther' fame is probably the most famous," O'Donnell concludes right before noting that if HentaiCon
succeeds in getting off the ground, he can't see any reason why Central Park Media wouldn't want to lend a hand.
As of right now, the buzz is modest about HentaiCon. Its web site's counter hovers at just under 6000 hits and the
nature of the con itself precludes it from worming its way into many of the anime web outlets out there. But Jackson is
hardly discouraged. He posits that HentaiCon can up the profile of hentai and open people's minds about its place among
the myriad forms of anime.
"Hentai is more than the demon's raping women who then explode. Yes, I would like one of the things that come from
HentaiCon to be people realizing that there's something more to hentai than tentacles."