GP:I heard that there were times when you had a little trouble finding Excel's voice.
JC: Yeah. When we were recording the first volume. The first day went really well, but on the second day I was having some trouble. I was like, "I don't know what's going on. I can't find her. And then Matt [Greenfield] said, "How old is Excel?"
We had talked about her age before so I said, "Fifteen." He said, "Wrong. She is five." I was like, "Ahhh." He said, "Excel's mentality is that of a five year old. Everything is a game to her. You are playing her with too much realism. Have more fun with it. "You'll have to go to Excel's place. You have to go to that very strange place, and I don't recommend staying there!
GP: How do you relate to Excel?
JC: Excel is not well - and I'm not well. [Laughing]
GP: Would you ever keep a little dog as a emergency meal?
JC: YES! . . . NO! . . . Maybe! I've kept some really strange stuff. One time I had a sandwich that was in my bag for like over a day, and it got wet, but I still thought I might eat it . . . but . . . where was I going? What was my point? [laughing] I am so like Excel, what the [heck] am I saying! I would not keep a dog as an emergency meal. I'm sorry. I love dogs. I would keep a beanie-baby dog!
On some of the out-takes there's a whole section of DVD extras where Hillary Haag and myself are acting like jack-asses - because that's what we're hired to do. We tied these beanie-babies, she had a little koala bear and I had a little cocker spaniel, and we tied them to our heads with bandanas like Excel did. So I would keep a beanie-baby
GP: Do you ever think a mysterious cosmic force follows you around?
JC: Oh, like the Great Will of the Macrochasm? I do have a mysterious cosmic force of my own. It's not in the form a floating nebulous vagina which is exactly what the Great Will of the Macrochasm looks like. I only say that because in a later episode Excel puts her hand in it and says, "Oooo, it's kind of warm in here."
[G.P. and J.C.laughing - hard]
Ok. Gross and wow! I'm like "It's a big blue vagina - that's fascinating." and Matt's [Greenfield] like "Yeah." [sort of flat and matter-of-fact like]
GP: And Matt's just like "yeah."
JC: Yeah! And I'm like, "Why does Great Will of the Macrochasm have to be a blue vagina?" What's wrong with these people! Anyway, mine's cool. Mine is a girl and she follows me around all the time.
GP: Is it always there for you or are there times when it's just busy?
JC: See! That's where I'm lucky. It's always there for me. Poor Excel. Her's is in bed with Pedro . . .
GP: Pedro . . . Awwwww.
JC: I've ruined that man's life. Yeah, it's pretty bad for Pedro. Pedro needs a more reliable Great Will of the Macrochasm. I mean his is screwing him - literally. Do you have one too?
GP: I do, but mine's different. Mine just goes "Oh. Sorry, man." When something bad happens, it realizes it wasn't there for me -again- and it's to late to do anything about it. Mine is very lazy.
JC: At least yours apologizes. Mine just follows me around and says, "Jessica, you're not well, but I'm glad to be your mysterious cosmic force for the day. Carry on."
GP: Any little stories of fun-facts that you would care to share?
JC: Here's an interesting bit of trivia. In Excel Saga the first 10 minutes of the first episode took eight hours to record. If that ain't wack, I don't know what is - ok.
Also, in Menchi's debut she looks up, and in Japanese it's like "a dog," but I said "Doggie!" in this sort of demonic voice, and we kept it and it is so twisted. Her mouth is drooling. It's just so wrong.
Hillary Haag is so rocking as Menchi.
GP: Well, Jessica. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I really appreciate it.
JC: It was really really fun. I had a good time.